Wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit

A. Publikationstätigkeiten

III. Englische Publikationen


Data Knowledge for Everyone? What Official Statistics can contribute to a Well-Informed Society; in: Conference on Policies and Statistics in the European Union -- Challenges and Responses (Berlin, 18 to 20 October 1999), ed. by Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden 2000, p. 13-37.


A Common Framework of Knowledge for the Information Society; in: The IPTS Report, ed. by The Institutute for Prospective Technological Studies, Sevilla, No. 3, April 1996, S. 29-31.


Althoff and the Changing Constitution of Science -- Bureaucratic, Economical or Cognitive?; in: Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 20, No. 4/5, 1993, S. 134-167.


The Birth and Transformation of Modern University -- From the Research Imperative of the Classical Republic of Science to the Technological Imperative of the Coming Information Society; in: Universidade(s) História Memória Perspectivas, Actas 4 do Congresso >História da Universidade< (7 Centenário da sua Fundacao, 5 a 9 de Marco de 1990/700 Jahrfeier der Universität Coimbra, Portugal, vom 5.-9. März 1990), Coimbra 1991, S. 331-358.


The Silent Revolution of Rationality in Contemporary Science and Its Consequences for the >Scientific Ethos<; in: William R. Shea, Hrsg., Revolutions in Science -- Their Meaning and Relevance, Canton, Mass.: Watson Publishing International, 1988, S. 192-204.


Science without Reduction; in: Inquiry, Vol. 16, 1973, S. 16-94.


Theoretical Pluralism -- Prolegomena to a Criticist Methodology and Theory of the Growth of Knowledge (zugleich deutsch: Theoretischer Pluralismus -- Prolegomena zu einer kritizistischen Methodologie und Theorie des Erkenntnisfortschritts); in: Kommunikation, Bd. 4, 1968, S. 181-202.

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